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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


For Sec Two Students who were absent from my Literature classes in Term 1 Week 2 (T1W2),

Please understand that you will need to know the 4 components which are useful in your reading of the PLAY- Emily of Emerald Hil:

"S" stands for "Setting" which helps us to understand, for instance,

CHARACTERISATION - The kind of person(ality) Emily is / the kind of company she keeps.
LOCATION - The place where the story of Emily takes place = SINGAPORE
TIMING/PERIOD - Is the play about the present, the past or the future.

"T" stands for "Trouble" which helps us to understand what makes the story of EMILY interesting, exciting and relevant to us readers. What exactly drives Emily? What makes her such an interesting or "TROUBLESOME" character? Does she bring happiness or sadness to herself or the people around her?

"A" stands for "Action" - We should be interested in Emily's interaction with the other supporting characters in the play. Emily has a stake in the resulting death of her eldest son, Richard. Emily and her husband, Mr. Gan Joo Kheong - are they ever in love with each other? Emily keeps herself busy by meddling in other people's business, but we are going to have mixed feelings about her. Ask yourselves - why so?

"R" stands for "Resolution" - We know that every story must somehow come to an end. Emily is no exception. We need to ask ourselves - Do we like the way the play "Emily" comes to an end? How effective is the ending? Does the ending do justice to the powerful motherly figure of "Emily"? Does the ending make you feel proud or sorry for Emily's life experiences? Have all her contributions and machinations brought about desirable returns? Does the feeling make us happy or sad?

So remember the acronym - S.T.A.R.

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