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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr. Rashidi's Book Recommendation for your December 2007 Reading

Reading is an important activity which you have to undertake on your own. SO DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR FELLOW CLASSMATES OR TEACHER TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.

LAST DECEMBER however, the English Department via Mr. Rashidi, has provided a list of books which you should have looked up for your reading pleasure. Since ALL of you in 3B and 3C have claimed that you were unaware of the list, I am providing you the original list here in full.

Instructions: ALL Secondary Three B and C students will have to make a PURPOSEFUL trip to our SCHOOL LIBRARY to select a book for some serious reading. You are expected to submit a BOOK REVIEW on that chosen book at a later date. I will inform you when to hand in your work.

NOTE: THE BOOK which you choose NEED NOT COME FROM MR. RASHIDI's list but I will have to insist that it must be suitable for you and I must approve of it. Simple as that!

So here you go, the ORIGINAL LIST from Mr. Rashidi:

Refer to the reading list below. All books are found in the National Library Board records.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach
The Red Judge by Pauline Fisk
St. Dale by Sharyn McCrumb
The Woman in the Last Carriage by Felix Cheong
Nailed by Patrick Jones
The Prize by K S Maniam
A Note of Madness by Tabitha Suzuma
The Lambs of London by Peter Ackroyd
Zorro by Isabelle Allende
An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears

Posted by Yeo Yam Hwee on 16 January 2008 (Wednesday)

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